21 Jan 2014

Cara Terbaru Agar Postingan Blog Cepat dan Langsung ada di Google

Cara terbaru agar postingan cepat terindex google
How To Post Google Indexed Fast - I am sure , most of my friend have a lot to figure out ways to quickly post indexed by Google this time . Many ways to make a quick post indexed by Google that we can do so post can quickly indexed by google . One way is to install the widget " Auto Ping " or " Ping Fast " on our blog navigation . The trick after making a post , then we click on one of these widgets . But , sometimes the results are less satisfactory . Therefore , the widget only notify the search engines just like Google that your blog has just made ​​a new post . In my experience , despite clicking the widget , the result is the article that I've made the next morning even the next two days can only be indexed by Google . However , as the saying goes " Many Roads to Rome " . There are still other ways to ways to make a quick post indexed by Google . One way is to submit the URL of our posts directly to Google . The trick is as follows :

  1. Pertama, salin URL postingan yang mau kita submit ke Google.
  2. Kemudian silahkan kunjungi "https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url".
  3. Masuk dengan akun Google atau Gmail.
  4. Setelah masuk, nanti sobat akan di bawa kehalaman Google Webmaster.
  5. Dan silahkan patekan URL postingan yang telah di salin tadi di kolom yang telah di sediakan.
  6. Kemudian masukan huruf captcha sesuai yang di perintahkan.
  7. Setelah selesai semua, silahkan pilih kirim permintaan, dan selesai.

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